There are numerous health concerns you should be aware of which can be caused from drinking dirty and/or contaminated water sources. Water contamination can occur to city water supplies, well water supplies, and fresh water sources, such as lakes, streams, and rivers. Consuming contaminated water can cause numerous effects.
Signs/Symptoms of Drinking Contaminated Water
The health effects people experience may or may not present themselves immediately. Further, the overall health, age, and physical condition of the person are other factors which determine the extent of the actual effects experienced. Some of the more commonly reported problems experienced from drinking impure water include, but are not limited to:
- Gastrointestinal Problems
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Intestinal or Stomach Cramping
- Intestinal or Stomach Aches and Pains
- Dehydration
- Death
Keep in mind, just because no signs or symptoms are experienced, it does not mean there are no potential long term effects.
For instance, if water sources have been contaminated with radium or radon gas, you might not notice an immediate health effects. However, long term exposure has been linked to cancer. Other possible contaminates found in tainted water sources are:
- E. coli Bacteria
- Coliform Bacteria
- Nitrates
- Lead
- Fluoride
- Arsenic
- Radium
- Radon
- Pharmaceuticals
- Herbicides
- Pesticides
- Chemicals
- Fecal Matter
- Microbial Pathogens
- Parasites
- Viruses
- Petrochemicals
Contaminants can enter water supplies through various means, such as being absorbed into the ground and contaminated ground water sources, broken pipes, and excess water run-off during heavy rain periods.
Does Dirty/Contaminated Water Smell?
In some cases the water could smell or taste different. However, many contaminants have no taste or odor, leaving no indication of contamination.
Will Boiling Water Help Make It Safe?
Boiling does kill most types of parasites, bacteria, and viruses. It can cause increased concentrations of other contaminants due to evaporation of water.
How Can I Tell if My Water Is Actually Safe?
One of the easiest ways to find out if your water is safe and contaminant free is to get your water tested by an experienced water purification company in your area. Water tests can be performed on city and well water used for residential, commercial, and retail purposes. The test results will let you know exactly what is in your water and what steps you can take to improve it, like getting quality water softeners and filters installed in your home or business.