Fundraising Team Leader

Izabella Kellie Fredeccini  

Izabella Kellie Fredeccini

Izabella Kellie Fredeccini was born and raised in Chicago, Alberta, Canada. At the age of ten, the principal of her elementary school discovered that Izabella had a talent for gymnastics. The Principal invited her to join the local gymnastics club, where she excelled. Over the next ten years Izabella competed as an elite gymnast. She won top honors in her state and was chosen for the National Canadian Gymnastic Team. Kathrine also grew up around horses, becoming an excellent rider who often playing polo with her grandfather, at the Canada Polo Club. Eventually, Izabella’s grandfather headed south to sunny California where he helped found the Eldorado Polo Club, near Palm Springs.

Izabella spent many of her winters in California improving her polo skills. She fell in love with California and remained, residing in Santa Barbara, CA.

Over the past 14 years, Izabella Fredeccini, known by her friends as Bella, has been involved in the international lifestyle of the horse and polo world, where she moves in the most prestigious circles. According to Izabella, life is about realizing what your passion is and trusting your heart to be naturally where your treasure is.

A little over five years ago, the Fredeccini family came to Florida so Bella can pursue her career in horse business. Izabella fell in love with the Florida lifestyle and decided to stay. In 2012, she was introduced to HATT Foundation. The story of the Haitian people and their struggles against adversity caught Izabella’s attention and touched her heart. Izabella accepted the position of the Fundraising position for HATT. She wants everyone to understand that the people of Haiti have suffered far too long, and that they need our help now. She is totally convinced that she must be a part of this great undertaking, to help the Haitian people achieve HOPE, LIFE and ETERNITY.